The Colorado Legal Services Pueblo office is closed Tuesday, Jan. 21, due to the weather.

Prestaciones públicas

Rules for Survival

Public benefits are vital to the wellbeing of many Coloradans, and we know that navigating that system can be challenging. If you believe your benefits were terminated, denied, or reduced incorrectly, or if you are charged with an overpayment and you disagree with the proposed resolution, call Colorado Legal Services for help at (303) 837-1313, or apply for help online

Helpful Tips

  1. Keep all notices that you receive.
  2. Review and respond to all notices as needed.
  3. Keep copies of everything you turn in, with a date stamp from the County of the date you turned it in or some sort of receipt from the County showing what you turned in and the date you turned it in.
  4. If you are submitting things through Colorado PEAK, make sure you keep a record of when it was submitted, consider taking a screen shot of the Peak page showing you submitted the document and saving the screen shot.

5. Keep notes of all calls with the County: the number called, date and time of call, who you spoke with, and the information discussed.
6. If your benefits are being terminated, denied, or reduced, or if you are charged with an overpayment and you disagree with the proposed action:

    • Call the County and ask for a county conference and a state hearing and
    • File a letter requesting state hearing with the Office of Administrative Courts or SNAP Hearings office (if your issue is regarding SNAP).