Clinic Listing - CLS
Clinics listed below are hosted by Colorado Legal Services (CLS), or have CLS involvement.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
Service Area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income and senior community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income or be a senior (60+).
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Service area: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact Salida Colorado Legal Services at 719-539-4251 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Clear Creek
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month
Time: 4:30-6 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact Salida Colorado Legal Services at 719-539-4251 or click here to access the clinic application.
Free Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (APR) or Dissolution of Marriage Clinics
Place: Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction.
Date & Time: Second Tuesday of every month, from 9-11 a.m.
Attend this clinic if you plan on pursuing custody of a child or getting a divorce. We will help you prepare and file the documents to get your case started in Colorado. The clinic is free (including forms). This clinic is only for people who qualify. To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services. To obtain an application call 970-243-7940 x 0, (leave message/ or your email address), drop by or click here to complete an online application. For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services, 970-243-7940, x0.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Free Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) Clinic
Time/Date: Call 970-243-7940 for dates, 9 – noon
Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction
To obtain an application call 970-243-7940, or drop by our office during office hours. To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services or at
Attend this clinic to prepare and file documents and motions necessary to get a divorce in CO. This clinic is free (including forms) and is only for low-income people who qualify.
Space is limited, reserve your place today! For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services 970-243-7940.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) Events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
El Paso
Each Tuesday and Thursday - 8:30 a.m.-Noon. Housing Clinic at El Paso County Courthouse, call 719-471-0380 for details.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact Salida Colorado Legal Services at 719-539-4251 or click here to access the clinic application.
Free Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (APR) or Dissolution of Marriage Clinics.
Place: Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction.
Date & Time: Second Tuesday of every month, from 9-11 a.m.
Attend this clinic if you plan on pursuing custody of a child or getting a divorce. We will help you prepare and file the documents to get your case started in Colorado. The clinic is free (including forms). This clinic is only for people who qualify. To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services. To obtain an application call 970-243-7940 x 0, (leave message/ or your email address), drop by or click here to complete an online application. For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services, 970-243-7940 x0.
Free Dissolution of Marriage (divorce) Clinic
Time/Date: Call 970-243-7940, 9 – noon
Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction
To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services.
To obtain an application call 970-243-7940, drop by our office, or apply online at
Attend this clinic to prepare and file all documents and motions necessary to get a divorce in CO. The clinic is free (including forms) and is only for low-income people who qualify. Space is limited, reserve your place today!
For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services 970-243-7940
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Grand Junction
Post Decree Modification/Contempt Assistance
Presented by The Pro Bono Project of Mesa County, Inc. (619 Main Street Grand Junction, CO 81501)
Date/Time: Call 425-5748 to schedule an appointment.
Location: Mesa County Justice Center Courtroom #6. Grand Junction. CO
Attorney assistance in completion of Pro Se (Do It Yourself) court forms for:
1. Parenting time modifications (except change of primary residential
2. Parenting time enforcement
3. Motions to relocate
4. Motions to restrict parenting time
5. Contempt issues
6. Court Case MUST be in Mesa County and applicant MUST be a Mesa County resident. Applicant Must meet federal guidelines for low income
Protection Order Assistance (Restraining orders)
Presented by The Pro Bono Project of Mesa County, Inc. (619 Main Street Grand Junction, CO 81501)
Phone: 970-424-5748
Fax: 970-424-5773
Family Law Self Help Assistance
Presented by The Pro Bono Project of Mesa County, Inc. (619 Main Street Grand Junction, CO 81501)
Date/time: Call 425-5748 to schedule an appointment.
The Pro Bono Project offers free assistance with the completion of legal forms needed to file for:
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)
Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (Custody)
Grandparent Allocation of Parental Responsibilities
Step 1 – Initial Filings
Step 2 – Sworn Financial Statements
Separation Agreements
Parenting Plans
Step 3 – Consult with an attorney
Our services are intended for low-income people. To qualify you must complete an application. Please call 424-5748 for an appointment.
Free Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (APR) or Dissolution of Marriage Clinics.
Place: Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction.
Date & Time: Second Tuesday of every month, from 9-11 a.m.
Attend this clinic if you plan on pursuing custody of a child or getting a divorce. We will help you prepare and file the documents to get your case started in Colorado. The clinic is free (including forms). This clinic is only for people who qualify.
To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services.
To obtain an application call 970-243-7940 x 0, (leave message/ or your email address), drop by or click here to complete an online application. For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services, 970-243-7940, x0.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
CLS Outreach--Spanish Peaks Library. Low-income individuals with civil legal issues considered a priority by the Colorado Legal Services grant providers may meet in person with an attorney from 1 -3 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. No reservation is necessary, but interested people can call Kate Johnson, pro se litigant coordinator in Huerfano County, 719-695-6555, with additional questions.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) Events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Kit Carson
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Find additional clinic listings at the Colorado Legal Help Center (CO Judicial Branch) events page here. Click on the arrows, change dates to see what clinics are available.
Record Sealing
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
What: An attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney may help you file to seal records.
Contact: For more information on record sealing contact the Ft. Collins Colorado Legal Services at 970-4932891.
La Plata
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Las Animas
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
CLS Outreach--Carnegie Library of Trinidad. Low-income individuals with civil legal issues considered a priority by the Colorado Legal Services grant providers may meet in person with an attorney from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. No reservation is necessary, but interested people can call Susanne Vandermeer, pro se litigant coordinator, Las Animas County, 719-497-8282, with additional questions.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
What: An attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney may help you file to seal records.
Contact: For more information on record sealing contact the Ft. Collins Colorado Legal Services at 970-4932891.
Free Dissolution of Marriage Clinic With Children
Presented By Colorado Legal Services
Date/Time: Call for date and time
Location: Office of Colorado Legal Services 200 N. 6th St., Suite 203, Grand Junction, CO
Attend this clinic to prepare and file documents and motions necessary to get a divorce in CO. This clinic is free (including forms) and is only for low-income people who qualify.
To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services, apply online here.
Space is limited, reserve your place today!
For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services 970-243-7940.
Free Dissolution of Marriage Clinic Without Children
Presented By Colorado Legal Services
Date/Time: Call for date and time
Location: Office of Colorado Legal Services 200 N. 6th Street, Suite 203, Grand Junction, Colorado
Attend this clinic to prepare and file documents and motions necessary to get a divorce in CO. This clinic is free (including forms) and is only for low-income people who qualify.
To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services.
To obtain an application call 970-243-7940, drop by our office, or apply online here.
Space is limited, reserve your place today!
For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services 970-243-7940
A Do-It-Yourself Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Legal Clinic
Date/Time: Call for date and time
Old Mesa County Courthouse, 544 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction – Annex Bldg, Multi-Purpose Room
Learn all the steops to filing, understand creditor lawsuits and liens, find out which property you can keep. Avoid the road blocks to discharge.
Applications available – 970-243-7940 ext. 3, leave msg w/ your email address, or come to 200 N. 6th Street, Suite 203, Grand Junction. Walk-in Hours: M W F, 9-11a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Or apply online at this link. Space is limited. Secure your spot today!
Free Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (APR) Clinic
Date/Time: Call number below for date and time
Colorado Legal Services – 200 North 6th Street, Suite 203, Grand Junction, Colorado
Attend this clinic if you have a child with someone but are not married to them. It will help you prepare and file the documents and motions necessary to get custody orders in CO. This clinic is free (including forms), and is only for low-income people who quality. To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services.
To obtain an application CALL 970-243-7940 x 3, (leave message/ or your email address), DROP by or apply online at this link.
Space is limited, reserve your place today! For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services. 970-243-7940 ext. 3.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Free Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (APR) or Dissolution of Marriage Clinics.
Place: Old County Courthouse, 544 Rood Ave., Training Room B, Grand Junction.
Date & Time: Second Tuesday of every month, from 9-11 a.m.
Attend this clinic if you plan on pursuing custody of a child or getting a divorce. We will help you prepare and file the documents to get your case started in Colorado. The clinic is free (including forms). This clinic is only for people who qualify.
To see whether you qualify to attend this clinic, you must fill out an application through Colorado Legal Services. To obtain an application call 970-243-7940 x 0, (leave message/ or your email address), drop by or click here to complete an online application. For more information, contact Colorado Legal Services, 970-243-7940 x0.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
What: An attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney may help you file to seal records.
Contact: For more information on record sealing contact the Ft. Collins Colorado Legal Services at 970-4932891.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Pueblo County Pro Bono project Neighborhood Legal Clinics – see the clinic listing here (clinics held Feb. 17, March 10 and April 7).
Reasons to get your criminal records sealed - a list of reasons, and who to contact to see whether you are eligible for help.
Rio Blanco
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Rio Grande
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
San Juan
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
San Miguel
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
What: An attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney may help you file to seal records.
Contact: For more information on record sealing contact the Ft. Collins Colorado Legal Services at 970-4932891.
NW Call-in Legal Advice Clinic
When: 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Toll Free Clinic Number: 1-800-521-6968
Description: This clinic provides free one-on-one legal advice by volunteer attorneys for low-income and senior community members who don’t have an attorney. Clinic cover family law, landlord/tenant law, protections orders, and consumer/collections (not criminal or traffic).
Serves: Low-income & senior residents of Clear Creek, Delta, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, Montrose, Moffat, Ouray, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, & Summit.
Contact: 970-668-9612, Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.
Legal Night (interpreters available)
When: Call Weld County Legal Services for date & time, (970) 310-8367.
Location: Our Lady of Peace Church, 1311 3rd St., Greeley
No appointment needed, but please arrive early to speak with an attorney.
Presented by the CO Lawyers Committee, the CO Bar Assoc. Spanish Speaking Lawyers Assoc., and Weld County Legal Services.
This is an opportunity to speak w/attorney about the legal problem you are facing and available resources where you can seek legal help. The lawyers will not be able to represent you or take your case, but they will attempt to answer your questions and hopefully direct you to a place where you can get the specific help you need. Examples of legal issues you might be facing: 1. Immigration issues, detention, deportation, or proceedings in immigration court, 2. Landlord/tenant, 3. Bankruptcy or other credit issues, 4. Foreclosure issues, 5. Divorce, child custody or child support, 6. Criminal charges, DUI or other traffic ticket. Space is limited. Arrive early in order to assure that you will be able to speak to an attorney.
Call4All Legal Clinic—get legal advice by phone
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Toll Free Number: 1-844-404-7400
Description: Free, monthly call-in legal clinic for low-income community members. Talk with an attorney and get your legal questions answered in the areas of family law, landlord/tenant law, protection orders, small claims, and consumer/collections. We do not help with criminal or traffic law questions.
Service area: Served clients from 40 rural Colorado counties.
Record Sealing and Expungement Clinic
When: Available at any time.
Cost: Free, but must qualify as low-income.
Description: Through this free clinic an attorney will review your criminal record to see if you qualify to seal or expunge your record. If eligible, the attorney will also help you complete your court forms so you can file your case.
Area Served: Serves clients that live in or have criminal records in 40 rural Colorado counties.
Questions: For more information on this clinic contact the Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project at 800-521-6968 or click here to access the clinic application.